Saturday, April 29, 2006

Year 2, Day 60: Traumatizing Visit to the Doctor.

Or, "Do You Have a copy of Orgasm Magazine?" One of the greatest illustrations of embarrassment is in the Woody Allen film Bananas, were he is depicted as trying to buy the above mentioned magazine. He slips it in between ten other serious magazines, but when he gets to the cashier, she silently rings up each one until she has to call for a price on Orgasm Magazine. That's pretty much what happened to me at the doctor's today. There was a lot of trauma to go around:

1. Weighed 3lbs more than last visit (189)
2. Was advised to stop exercising for two weeks.
3. Nurse checking me out did not know how to file paperwork for embarrassing procedure that was recommended for me; causing her to yell out to the other nurses assembled about same procedure. I tried to keep my sense of humor, but it was no avail; the day was lost.

2 small slices of Balthazar rye
4 slices Ham
2.5 oz 50% jalapeno cheddar

1 medium dunkin donuts coffee (half decaf)
~2.5 oz peanuts

Lunch: Russo's ($5.69)
Red leaf, red onion, red peppers
chick peas, chickens, feta cheese
broccoli, olives

Chicken Paprikash
Emily's Stir-Fry Cabbage

Of course, in the back of my head I thought "Oh I'm going to the doctor, I'm going to get weighed" which isn't so bad, but I hadn't really thought through the fact that it would be at 2:15, an hour after lunch, which I suppose is the stupidest time to get weighed ever. I'm not listing it as a Detecto weigh-in, since it's not first thing in the morning as I always do. Detecto said 189, which was quite shocking, and I was certainly bummed out for the rest of the day. I resolved to go back on Monday and get weighed in (as I would have without the Dr. visit). My sister in law says she can weigh as much as five pounds more at the end of the day than at the beginning. But I say that begs the question "how much do you weigh?" Additionally, Dr. Parent, who has as saved my life twice now, recommended that I take two weeks off from exercising. I said "even brisk walks?" she said "yes." I said "what about slow ones?" At this point, I am acting more like her weird uncle Moey than a patient. Patients just do what she recommends, they don't negotiate. I am a problem.

1 comment:

Mom said...

DOn't forget the Japanese food the day before. Why does she want you not to exercise? Love, MOM