Saturday, April 08, 2006

Year 2, Day 39: Poker and the Return of Gary

Poker day is here. As always, I am trying to strategize how to eat since I know that I will be consuming extra calories this evening, and most of them from nuts. As a precaution, I plan to eschew the peanut butter and yogurt as snack. I start thinking popcorn, but realize I'll have it tonight— that won't work. Finally, I settle on an apple. As I plan this I realize I have been fairly light in the entire fruit range lately. So that's good. Salad for lunch, and a meat-astic dinner. We have deli, which I think is better than the Chinese alternative.

3 Slices of Ham
1 Slice Balthazar Bread
3.5 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar

12 oz coffee (half decaf)
1 Granny Smith Apple

Lunch: Russo's Salad ($4.78)
Red Leaf, Red Onion, Red Peppers
Chick Peas, Chicken
Feta, Broccoli

Bites of Emily's Crispy Chicken (before the game)
Pepperoni & Cheese
Boston Lite Popcorn
Cashew & Almond Mix
TAB Energy Drink

Roast Beef, Turkey and Corned Beef
Cole Slaw
Pickles & Sour Tomatoes

Dessert (Forced on me)
1/8th of a Homemade Brownie

After close to one year, Gary returned to the game (the last time he played was June of 2005). It was good to have him back. He did not lose all his money, though two other players did.

"But You Must Try It". Tonight a players wife made us some chocolate brownies. As it was a homemade gift to the poker game, I had no luck refusing it, as I was met with the kind of menacing glares that met anti-war folks shortly after the US began military operations in the M.E. Withering under the strain, I reluctantly accepted as a small a piece as could be recognized as 'having some.' An hour later, the game broke out the blueberry pie. Naturally I abstained, enjoying my pie-celebacy as four grown men ate pie, ice cream and whipped cream at 11:30pm on a Friday. I may not be joining them in the act, but I was totally with them in the spirit. But I didn't need the Rolaids at 3AM...

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm really proud of you. It's really hard whem your buddies are pressing food on you. Great job! Love, MOM back from Denver. (Much food.)