Thursday, April 27, 2006

Year 2, Day 58: Jill's Birthday

I didn't do anything for Jill's Birthday today, but she is right up there with my inspirations. One of the most sensible and healthy people I know, Jill was my cohort and coconspirator at old Domania. We went on many lunch runs for the staff, and it almost always caused us a great deal of aggravation as we sweated out forgetting the ketchup, getting the wrong kind of bread for a sandwich or getting plain diet dr. pepper instead of vanilla cherry diet dr. pepper with splenda. She was really the first friend I ever had that ran; went to the gym; ate properly; engaged in sports. Aside from all the other reasons I described in this blogosphere about my weight gain, I realize now that I had very few friends that ever cared about getting me moving. It's true that both my old bosses were constantly trying to get me to walk, and they even got me a book of "walking tours in Boston" as a gift. When I opened it, we all laughed. Such was my known state at the time. And Jill never made it an issue. She accepted me for who I was. For some reason, she was always picking me up at the hospital. She has been a great supporter of this diet, and blog. So happy birthday Jillz!

2 small slices Balthazar bread
5 (small) slices ham
2.5 oz. 50% jalapeno cheddar

1 medium dunkin donuts coffee (half decaf)
~3 oz. Peanuts
1 Apple

Lunch: Peter's Kitchen
Greek Salad with Feta and Grilled Chicken

1 Ground Pork Burger
Emily's Stir-fry cabbage
1 oz. Cracker barrel cheese

I am starting to feel heavy again. Not sure why that is, but it could be that I need to scale back the eating. Could be a psychological disorder. Can't tell— I will know more when I face my nemesis-cum-friend Detecto next week. Have I stayed the same or have the pounds started to creep back on? How long can I sustain weight loss without adding exercise? What about Naomi? These and more questions will be answered next week.


Mom said...

I'm so pleased that you have seen the "light." It's great for you and for your family and for all of us as well. Keep on truckin" Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob

Thanks for the sweet birthday words. Its amazing how the tables turn and now you are my inspiration. Keep up the good work because I want to be a healthy, active, retiree with you and Emily some day. Boca? West Palm? Let me know. I am there.


Anonymous said...

You AND Jill are my inspirations, on the road to svelteness and otherwise.