Sunday, August 20, 2006

Year 2, Day 172: First Day of Vacation

In what I thought was an inspired idea, I suggested that we leave a day early to go on our vacation. What do they say, "The best made plans..." Though our rather preposterous plan was to get up, go shopping, get packed and get on the road by one, we actually would have made it within minutes. Except that Ruby, who had been pretty good all morning, started complaining of stomach pains, and actually, in a most heartbreaking way, fell back on the couch holding her stomach and saying "ouchee ouchee ouchee ouch." There was little we could do since she didn't want to be held or even really distracted. Once it passed things started to look a little brighter. She took a midday nap (which she never does when well) and I went to get some Legal Seafoods since I realize we were not getting on the road at one. When I came back Emily was asleep! My mother and I ate our share and set about getting things ready to go. It was quite a task, but we got the show on the road by 4:30pm. The sky was looking grim, but vacation beckoned.

1 cup Kashi/Go Lean/Go Lean Crunch
1 cup Strawberries/Blueberries/Banana
1 cup Skim Milk
Green Tea

Medium Dunkin Donuts Coffee
1 slice Balthazar Rye with 1 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
1 cup Go Lean Crunch
3 handfuls of almonds/cashews

Lunch: Legal Seafoods Takeout
Calamari Salad
1/3 Grilled Rainbow Trout
Seafood Antipasto
1/2 of 1 Shrimp Dumpling
Diet Coke

Cabbage and Onion Salad, with Oil'n'vinegar

3 more handfuls of nuts
3 yogurt covered pretzels

We arrived with a lot of groceries since you never know whether you're going to be on a 'cook at home' vacation or 'eat out at every meal' vacation. Well, YOU might know, but I never seem to know. Our plan was to make dinner or lunch at home at least one day, so we'd have options. With a toddler, you always need options. You can ask older kids to endure practically anything, but until reason and bribery really resonate, you need options. At Whole Foods this AM, I did buy a few things that were probably unnecessary in hindsight, like yogurt covered pretzels, but again, it was about options. Though anyone could look at the above's menu and say 'that's not that bad,' as I sit here and write this I feel pretty, well, whatever the word is when you can feel yourself getting fat. With luck, Ruby and I will walk off our calories at the fabled Storyland and avoid many of the fried yet delicious foods their hawkers will no doubt be offering.

1 comment:

Mom said...

From Needham:

That day waw a rather harrowing. But we did get the caravan on the road. Em made a great dinner once we got there. It did turn out that it was wise to bring a lot with us. Ever vigilant about these things, .Robs had marketed and provided a giant cooler packed with mostly Sobe friendly foods. I had a chance to taste Em's famous cabbage salad which was is her cooking generally. And Ruby came through and began to feel better. I think it was best that we left Sunday...although it was raining....getting dark..and the road narrowed to a one lane highway in the part where we didn't quite know where we were going. And I was on moose patrol. THere were these signs that said be careful of moose crossing...There have been 100's of collisions! Just what you want to know when you (RObs) was driving under these conditions. Later it became a kind of family joke. Love, MOM