Monday, May 05, 2008

Year 4, Day 65: Nutsed Out

Well, somedays start out good and turn into 100 nut days, and then there are days when you're reaching for the nuts early. I always laugh now when I read diet advice that says "instead of chips or something unhealthy, reach for vegetables or nuts."  WHAT ABOUT WHEN YOU GET ADDICTED TO NUTS?   They don't talk about that, it's all about swapping out methodone for heroin, but what then?   Mainline nuts, that's what.

Kashi Go Lean
Heritage Flakes
Soy Milk

Lunch: Russo's ($5.49)
Chicken, Romaine-Stamos, Peppers (red and hot), mushrooms, broccoli, feta, balsamic vinegar.

Snack (out of control)
3 sticks beef jerky
1 oz Boston lite popcorn
2 cheese sticks
somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 almonds

salad with tuna, feta, cabbage

dessert (if you can believe it)
some of the last squares of chocolate espresso bean bar (sure is yummy)

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