Sunday, January 22, 2006

Day 328: Love at the Art-In

Today was the "Art-In" at Ruby's school, which Emily joked was a protest (it wasn't). It was simply a well-planned, indoor event for kids scheduled to be going crazy from staying indoors in the winter. However, it was 56 degrees today, so Ruby naturally made a beeline for the monkeybars (after decorating her cupcake with sprinkles, chocolate chips and m&ms, natch).
I knew that I would be in some kind of low-blood-sugar crisis if we stayed there the whole time so I endeavored to load up before I went, but when the clock turned to 1:00pm, I was like the carriage in Cinderella turning into a pumpkin. You never see that in the movie, but believe me, it's not pretty. I was so much hungrier today than usual, and I don't know why.

1 Slice Balthazar Multi-Grain Bread
2 oz. 50% Jalapeno Lite Cheddar
2 Slices of Ham

30 Pistachios
1 Cheese Stick
6 oz plain yogurt with 2 Tbs peanut butter and 1/4 cup of Kashi Go Lean
1 oz 50 % Jalapeno Lite Cheddar
1 Celery Stalk

Salami, Muenster and Scallion Omelet

Avocado Salad
Broccoli with Soy Sauce.

I was just thinking today about how everything in my life regarding food—from going to restaurants to shopping has changed. Emily used to say to me "you buy a lot of things you don't eat." I realize now, looking back, that a majority of that stuff was carbohydrates, and the bad kind at that. Mostly it's because that stuff is available in bulk, is cheap and doesn't go bad. Whether it was crackers, rice, pasta, there was a ton of it. I now notice that my shopping cart has little of that, instead being filled with SoBe friendly items like protein, vegetables, fruit and dairy products (a lot yogurt, f'ristance). I also notice that as a result of this new shopping trend, when our fridge and cabinets get empty, they're really empty.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Keep those carts filled with SOBE good things to eat. That's the spirit. Wise man says when there is nothing wicked to eat in the house, one doesn't eat anything wicked. Good for all of you. Love, MOM