Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Day 316: Out, damn Carrots

Mondays are hard as everyone knows, but Mondays with microwaved eggs and snow to shovel off your stairs are even harder. There's no point in complaining, it's just seven more days now. It does feel good to get through the very tough Phase One, but I've lingered in the freezer looking at the remainder of the Balthazar Rye bread. "Soon my sweet," I have been heard to whisper to it.

2 Microwaved Eggs
3 Slices of Ham

30 Pistachios
1 Cheese Stick
6 oz Plain Yogurt
2 Tsps Peanut Butter

Grilled Chicken on Christos Salad

90% Sirloin Burger
Emily's "Crazy" Peppers
Brocoli/Celery Stir-Fry

It's amazing that you can be on Phase One and order a salad and still go wrong—last time it was the sugary Balsamic dressing; today it was that the salad was lousy with shredded carrots. You couldn't get them out, they were everywhere. I did pick oil and vinegar dressing, which is very plain but very good. Emily outdid herself tonight—there were three vegetable side dishes. This is good because you can't just do the meat/cheese/nut thing, though I certainly could. When I was getting my salad I noticed the sweet smell of pizza baking, and even though I don't particular care for their pizza, it was captivating nonetheless.

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