Friday, January 13, 2006

Day 319: Employee's Blood Sugar Drops, Dies at Desk

I was seeing the headline in my head as the hour grew later. I realize that asking someone to get you lunch who's "going on a few errands" could be a mistake, but at 1:46, after a brisk walk that required no coat, I thought I'd just put my head down on the desk and wait. It was an unbelievable day. I say that because I can't remember a January day where I went on a two mile walk without a coat on. In fact, there's never been a January in my life that I've gone for a two mile walk, but the fact that I had no coat on was also remarkable.

Ham, Cabbage and Feta Omelet

30 Pistachios
2 Cheese sticks
1 Joy Stick
6 oz. Plain Yogurt
2 Tsps Peanut Butter

Spinach Salad with Mushrooms, Chicken and Tomatoes

Shrimp and Sugar Snap Peas

Since I had to eat after my walk (it was around 1:00 and I was hungry) I resorted to a Joy Stick, chased by a Cheese Stick. Though they weren't on my snack plan I really had no choice. When my salad came (minus a fork but with pita bread) I noted that it had peppercorn dressing, not the balsamic I had ordered. So I ate it plain and dressingless. I think that two years ago I could not have done that. I'm not sure that's personal growth, but it is something.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I rhink it's wonderful. Humor and tremendous sticktoitiveness. You continue to be an inspiration! Love, MOM