Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Year 2, Day 263: Nuts Are Satan's Candy

Feeling like a bit of slippage. It's wrong to demonize a food, but nuts are Satan's Candy. They just can't be resisted, and additionally, as I'm fond of saying (a quote from the South Beach doctor), "They're diet-busters." I was very fortunate that a coworker insisted on a brisk walk, though I once again found myself in the wrong shoes. I had my sneakers but neglected to change into them because I was in such a hurry to get outside. As usual, I followed this walk with an enormous salad from Peter's. My coworkers and I have determined that the salad is about 35% too big—yet I finish it every time. It's one of the few 'throw caution to the wind' moments I allow myself. So what, I'm eating too much salad.

Kashi Go Lean!
Unsweetened Soy Milk
Green Tea

4 Beef Jerky
2 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
1 Extra Smokey
25 Almonds

Lunch: Peter's Kitchen
Lettuce, carrots, cucumbers
chicken, feta, balsamic vinegar

More Salad (with Tuna)
Emily's Cauliflower
2 Chicken Nuggets

Since we know that Thanksgiving and lots of relatives are coming tomorrow, we tried not to shop and then were forced to resort to the dreaded "Eat What's in the House" rule, leading to the eating of a sub-optimal dinner that we regarded lowly and enjoyed even less. One of the major changes I have noticed in my life is how I no longer get fussed about a bad dinner. It's still disappointing, but I now no longer seek solace in either a second dinner, or a large dessert.


Mom said...

Hi, Back from Hawaii and trying to catch up with all the blogs. I can't believe I flew as many hours as I did but it was worth it. Glad to see you're keeping up with the food log and the exercise. Great! Love, MOM

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