Friday, November 03, 2006

Year 2, Day 246: Friday at Tower

Went to the gym today and again did 6.5 miles on the elliptical at level 4. I thought I was going to be bumped off the machine at 10:00AM, but the place emptied out and I continued on till I hit 60 minutes. Miles 3 & 4 remain so very hard, but I feel like I could go for 7 or 8 miles— after 5 it becomes very easy, and I'm not sure if it's physical, from breaking through some kind of wall or endorphin release, or mental, because I know I've hit my goal and everything else is just gravy (without flour, please).

Kashi Go Lean
Heritage Flakes
Green Tea

1 Handful of Nuts
Cheese of 1/2 a slice of Pizza
1/2 popcorn

Lunch: Legal Seafoods
6 Oysters
Grilled Swordfish
Sauteed Spinach
Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

Dinner: Robert's Turkey Crumble

In a move of spousal indulgence, Emily agreed to go to Tower Records with me. As they are having a much more orderly and slow disassembly, their store was not nearly as depressing. Also, the Friday afternoon shift differs about as much as you can from the Saturday night shift. We spent about the same amount of $$ and walked away with a "remember when" kind of attitude.

1 comment:

Mom said...

And you didn't even mention how it was to go to Legal. So sad about Tower and Virgin...what next? I'm viewing the elections tomorrow with anxious anticipation. Love, MOM