Sunday, November 13, 2005


The day after the card game is always difficult, mostly because even if we don't stay up that late, there is a feeling of being 'wound up' that prevents you from going to right to bed when you get home. So there's a bit of a decompressing, which can turn a 1AM sort of "too late to go to bed night" into a "2AM you're really sorry you weren't asleep sooner"night.

Two slices when pigs fly bread
peanut butter

Romaine lettuce
Feta Cheese

Chicken a la Eva Chan
Stir Fry Cabbage and Peppers

Needless to say, by the end of the 'day after' I am usually ready to totally conk-out, and this night was no different, I felt like I was coming down with some of whatever's going around. You know that "uh-oh" feeling you have when you're getting a cold? That's what I had. I started taking the vitamin c and Airborne as a double dose.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Just checking in. All stable here. Hope you're not getting sick. Love, MOM