Monday, November 14, 2005

Day 259: Sunday, Sunday

Whether you're coming down with a cold or not, you can't help but admire and appreciate an incredible 65-degree day. Of course, no one was thanking their lucky stars more than the parents of the girl's outside birthday party that Ruby and I attended this morning. There was horsey rides, animal feeds, bunnies and ice cream and cake in a hayloft. You really couldn't have asked for more. Well, there could have been a SoBe friendly lunch for the adults, but aside from that you couldn't have asked for more. So that I didn't get low-sugared-out, I had a few cukes, and pieces of cheese, and the topping off of one slice of Domino's pizza. I must tell you that previous to being on the diet, I ate more than my share of cake at parties. In fact, at work, I was the cake maven—one of two people responsible for fetching the incredible, creamy, buttery sheet cake whenever there was a party—and we always found a way to have a party. Emily and I often discuss which dessert you would rate highest, and I think for me it's sheet cake. Luckily, this birthday cake was from Sudbury Farm—not of a tempting quality.

2 Slices When Pigs Fly Bread
Peanut Butter
1 oz. Cracker Barrel Cheese

1 slice Domino's Pizza (Cheese Only)
1 cucumber slice, a few cheese slices
Leftovers Peppers and Onions
Leftovers Eva Chan Chicken
6 oz Yogurt

1/4 cup Almonds Cashews
8 Dried Apricots

Trout Mystery a la Emily
Bok Choy

Still feeling kind of lousy, I almost thought I would skip going to the gym, because there was a lot to do at home and by the time it was time to go, it was dark and the day was wearing on. I did go though, figuring that the workout might help me feel better, giving me energy instead of sapping me of it. As it turns out, that was pretty much the case. I did feel better after going, if only because I didn't skip, and that's new for me. As a young lad, I was quite the skipper. I skipped everything, I was always about getting out of stuff. Once I hid my trumpet in a closest and took the empty case to my lessons so I didn't have to practice. So being committed to something is new, and feels good. I could get used to it...

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