Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Day 268: Sick to my stomach

Whatever Emily had, I got, and I can only pray that we don't pass it to our kids or anyone else. It's a roiling, cramping pain that leaves you feeling terrible, and suppresses your appetite, but oddly, didn't make food seem unappealing. I ate little today, but I did eat. Things looked good and I was hungry, but overwhelmingly, I chose not to eat.

2 Slices Ezekiel Bread
Peanut Butter

8 Dried Apricots
1/4 almonds/Cashews

1 Cameo Apple

1/2 piece Vermont Soft Bread Toast
6 oz Stonyfield Vanilla Yogurt
9 Cheerios (fed to me by Magnolia)
34% of a banana

When I got home today I did not feel like eating anything, and in fact, went to sleep shortly after. When I got up, I still could not fathom what I would put in my mouth since the BRAT diet—bananas, rice, applesauce and toast—which is often recommended for post-stomach trauma is about 50% anti-sobe. Magnolia insisted I eat many of her cheerios, so that was what made me think I could eat something. Actually, they were pretty good. Then the banana. Then I thought, I should eat some yogurt, as I know it is good for your stomach (it has to live cultures, though). For this reason I eschewed the corn-syrup laden yoplait and chose stonyfield. As of this writing, I actually feel much better.

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