Friday, June 03, 2005

Day 95

Very little of interest to report today, except that what can only sound like a pewling rant, the fact that I have to spend my days working on a Windows computer is certainly increasing my desire to eat. For one reason, things seem to take a lot longer, so I spend a lot of time just staring. That's counter-productive, and it makes me think "what can I eat?" Also, I am sitting with my back facing the door, which is leading to a nervous condition. I can only hope that we'll go walking tomorrow and I'll get on the elliptical this weekend.

1 Multi-grain English Muffin
2 Tsp Peanut Butter

12 oz. Coffee (half decaf)
1/4 Cup Lightly Salted Nut mix (purchased by mistake—It had the South Beach seal on it, but that's controversial)
1 Joy Stick
15 Cashews (nothing says sitting at the computer like that)

Greek Salad
with Beef

"Emily's Leek-y Sole" (sounds more poetic when you say it).
Red & Green Leaf salad with Red Onion & Feta

I must say that all of all the developments since I started on SoBe, the most amazing one is that nearly every night I come home to a gourmet meal. Really, it's mind-boggling, but wonderful. Of course, there is a LOT of screaming and yelling and running around and carrying on right before and right after the meal, but for the 9.5 minutes we're actually all sitting down and eating it really is incredible. I started to tell Emily how much I would pay for these dinners (which is an old game that she made up a long time ago when I used to cook for her) and tonight's was at $24.95. That's how good it was, if you're restaurant savvy and you can imagine that.


Anonymous said...

It's spelled SOLE, ya idjit!

But thanks so much for the shout-out. I am trying.

My Leeky Sole will revisit the table again, I'm certain.

But washing those leeks made me mad.

I love you more and more though you may be less and less.


Anonymous said...

Harh words from the discover of sidea for the crossword puzzel. Robert's version is more poetic but thanks to Emily for her wonderful support of his journey on the South Beach. Miss you all! Love, MOM
P.S. Don't do windows! Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Don't you KNOW what happened to Wild Bill Hickock the one time he sat with his back to the door during a poker game??? Just ask Calamity Jane.

Em, I have a secret for washing leeks the next time you make Dr. Leeky Sole.

1 pint minus 4 tablespoons = you ate the whole damn pint.