Monday, February 13, 2006

Day 350: Blizzard

We were ready. Went shopping, got the sterno, new construction paper and play-doh, milk, bread, we were not going to have to go out at all today. Of course the only downside to that is that you're near the food all day. This makes it quite a bit more difficult to avoid over-eating, and just from looking at the list, I can tell that it was one of my biggest eating days in quite a while, even if it's nowhere the kind of 'big eating day' I had as little as two years ago. Back then, though I am ashamed to admit it now, it was not uncommon for me to have eaten such a big meal that I would come home in equal parts discomfort and shame. Now the only time I really feel any kind of shame is when I know I could have made it through some feeling of hunger without snacking but I did, and this is not the same kind of shame as before, but a "I will not make my goal if I cheat myself" kind of thing.

1 Slice Balthazar Multi-Grain
4 Slices of Ham
2 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar

Tuna Salad on
Romaine, Cabbage, Onions
with Feta
3 Melba Toast (Whole Grain)
5 Doritos (Ruby fed them to me, but I ate them)

6 oz plain yogurt
Super Chunky Peanut butter
1/2 splenda

Cheeseburger (93% Sirloin)
Emily's Celery/ Broccoli Stir Fry
Bok Choy

For those of you who have commented on the unpleasantness of the plain yogurt-peanut butter combination, I tried something today that I think changes everything. By adding 1/2 pack of Splenda, it made it a totally fantastic dish. In fact, the Splenda might make the peanut butter unnecessary. I am not an advocate of people adding Splenda to things (because it's a chemical that has not stood the test of time on people's bodies and it's poppycock that it's made from sugar and/or natural) but I have to say, it really does a lot to completely eliminate the sour yogurt flavor. When you look at the difference between plain yogurt carbs and fruit flavored yogurt, the fruit/flavored yogurts are almost DOUBLE. So I really need to save those carbs. Now, the Doritos on the other hand....

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi, Yes, it was some snow. It was hard to stay in the house with food all around and nothing much else to do. But early in the day Saturday I too stocked up. I included a trip into the city to a well known bakery. Such devotion on your part requires a tad on mine as well. So if the weather is reasonable this weekend I will bring up supplies of your favorite bread...and mine. Hope everyone is feeling better. Love, MOM