Sunday, May 22, 2005

Day 83: Surprise Trip to New York

If there's anything that can throw off your diet, it's a wild change of your life and schedule. On Friday before I left for the game I found out that my grandmother had died. As custom would have it, the burial is to occur within 48 hours. As we are a small family, theat meant a trip to New York. Usually I am not that swift the morning after a card game (when I have been up until all AM hours) and this was no different. As a family, we grabbed everything we could, shoved it in the car, and headed down south. Some of the reportage over the next three days may properly be judged as "loose."

1 Cup All Bran (buds)
1 Cup Strawberries
3/4 cup Fat Free Milk

Cheese Stick
Can of Tuna

Cobb Salad @ McDonalds

1 Hamburger, 1 Hot Dog
Wedge of Lite Jarlsberg Cheese

I wasn't feeling that great when we got in the car, and you know that three hours en route to a funeral usually doesn't improve things too much. Somewhere along the line, when we abandonded proper nutritional planning, we decided that Ruby loves a McDonald's cheeseburger and we love a break from driving, so we all got our wish. The Caesar looked plain, so I got the Cobb salad, but then I realized that it came with blue cheese, chopped egg and bacon (I ate around most of that stuff). When we got to New York, we were treated to a BBQ dinner—which was yummy, but not very low-fat. The most amazing thing about this dinner was that there were no buns eaten by the hot dog/hamburger crowd. Everyone ate theirs au natural.

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