Sunday, August 28, 2005

Day 181: First Day Back Home

As we gear up for the very strange "school starts before labor day" week we are surrounded by the back-to-school frenzy and the sadness of the end of the summer. It always announces itself with a slightly too-crisp breeze and a slightly too-long absence of the sun behind the clouds. It's only lasts a moment, but it is a preview. I love fall, but I hate that it must arrive. Today both Emily and I got back to basics, even though dieting, for lack of better word, is stupid.

2 Eggs over Easy
2.5 Strips Turkey Bacon

6 oz yogurt with 1 cup strawberries, blueberries
2 slices ham

~1 cup real oatmeal (with peanut butter)

Rainbow Trout a la Emily
Pickles & Peppadews

After Dinner
2 Sprite Zeroes

What my friend Wick once said about shitty food is that if it's not in your house, you won't eat it. This is a truism that must be acknowledged by anyone looking to make sure they are not gaining weight absent-mindedly. If you keep your house stocked with food that is not good for you, but delicious, you will eat it, and you will be sorry. I've realized that except for bread and pasta, we serve Ruby very little of the type of food we used to push on her. I'm glad for now, as I know in time she will experience all of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, You do sound sad or maybe wistful is a better word. It will all settle in and I think Ruby will love school. Can't wait to see you all. Love, MOM