Monday, August 22, 2005

175: Workouts & CNN

It really is starting to get to be beyond coincidences now. Everytime I go to the gym on Sunday morning we are forced to watch the 1-hour infomercial about starving Kenyan children. Between the cretins in Washington on CNN (and the ones they purport to cover) and the sad, emaciated faces, it kind of makes you want to throw in the towel, literally and figuratively. I'm not saying that they both don't deserve attention, but at the gym? Really? I can't really pick up the phone and make a donation, but I did note the web address: If you go there, woe upon you, as you will be subject to everything you expect. Plus, I must wonder how much of the money gets to the kids. In any case, I inexplicably decided to quadruple the difficulty of my workout today. I usually just go on the 'manual' setting, which is a straight line of red dots, but today I chose 'hill,' which gives you hard (going up) and easy (going down) cycles. As if that weren't enough, I changed my level (usually set at '1' or '2') to level six. Then, I challenged myself to keep up the 5.1 RPMs on top of it. And I did it, 3.5 miles worth. Then I did the last half mile on the track. When I quit I wasn't so much tired as I wanted to get home and see my kids.

2 (small) slices WPF wheat bread
1 tsp peanut butter (each)
1 cheese stick

Grilled Chicken
Greek Salad

6 Blackberries
90% of a Braeburn Apple (it was bad)
1/2 cup of Almonds/Cashews
1 Dragon Stick
12 pieces, lite popcorn
12 m&ms (egad)

Trout a la Emily
Cabbage Stir-Fry

Because it was stinkin' hot, I told Ruby I would take her to the movies. We saw "Valiant" which was, as summer films for little girls go, poor. Sure it had production values, but it concerned English carrier pigeons trying to defeat evil German falcons that try to capture them. I was like "has the war even come into Disney movies now?" I was really scratching my head as to who would have wanted to make this movie. It was both inappropriate AND outdated. I promised Ruby M&Ms as well, but you know, in the junk mule business, some times some product 'disappears' en route, and such was the case today. I ate all my snacks in the first 15 minutes of the movie and then I was still hungry. Filled with the spirit of vacation, and fresh from a hard workout, I figured 'what the hell, 12 m&ms isn't going to kill me." The Six Feet Under finale made me want to reach for the rest of the M&Ms, but fortunately, they were not available.


Anonymous said...

Have I not raised you to know that Fugi apples from Costco are the best around? Where have I gone wrong? You need to preview movies before you take Ruby....I know that you know that you can do it on the Internet. Anyway, thanks for the help putting me back on line. Much appreciated! Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Junk mule business... funny :)
