Sunday, May 21, 2006

Year 2, Day 83: Jill's New House

Went to the gym today, in the hope that I could dispel the past few days of eating. I did five miles on the elliptical, but I did it in 65 minutes. According to the Life Fitness machine, I I burned off almost 600 calories. I'm not sure whether it's been the rain or what, but the gym has been fairly empty these past few weeks, and it has been great not to feel rushed. I have been taking it slower on the elliptical because of both the accident and just not being 100%, so I've been at about 4.5 miles an hour instead of in the 6-7 mph zone. If I am to believe the machine, this keeps me in the 'fat burning zone' instead of the 'cardio' zone which is good, because I need a lot more 'fat burning' than 'cardio.'

3 Eggs over easy
1/2 Chicken Chorizo Sausage Link

2 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
11 Snapea Peas
3 Celery Stalks, 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter

93% Sirloin Hamburger
Salad with Feta

Dinner @ Jill's
Standing Rib Roast
Sauteed, Carmelized Onions
Cauliflower a la Jill

We arrived ATt Jill and Sis' new house but couldn't leave the car due to a sudden, freak, seven minute hail storm. Huge, and what I could only imagine were hurtful frozen pieces of ice were falling from the sky in a biblical manner that scared both of my children, and kept us prisoners in the car until it subsided. The winds were so hard that even Sis and Jill knew they had to stay inside until the storm abated.

Then we went to see Jill's new house, which is by every standard, breathtaking and wonderful. They really did something amazing there, but it's no surprise since Jill is not only hard working but has great taste, so I would expect nothing else. On top of it, one of the reasons I love her is that she is the embodiment of this particular New York style that I relish, so naturally everything she does is something I'm going to love. This goes for the dinner, which was SoBe friendly, if only it had been eaten in moderate portions. So much for those 'extra' 600 calories. Glad I had them to spare. On the way home, Emily revealed that she is determined to make the same rib day.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Glad to see you catching up with your blogs.Impressed with your mileage and speed at the gym. Love, MOM