Sunday, May 07, 2006

Year 2, Day 69: Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

If anything makes you feel like a suburban dork, it's waiting to get your propane tank refilled. Just standing around in elevator-style silence, trying not to look at each other is quite nerve-wracking. But it also forced me to recognize the horrifying fact: I'M LIKE THEM. Okay, maybe I'm not wearing docksiders, and maybe I don't have my cell phone attached to my Dockers shorts with a leather belt-clip, but I'm here ain't I? I'm admitting to the world that I HAVE AN EMPTY PROPANE TANK. Most people don't know that I have to drive right home after I get it filled, because I live in fear that I'll go over a bump and the car will explode.

2 Eggs Over Easy
2 Strips Turkey Bacon
2.5 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar

about 2 oz. Cashews/Almonds
1 Joy Stick

Salad with Feta, Cabbage, Romaine and Yesterday's Tuna Salad

93% Sirloin Burger
with 50% Jaleno Cheddar
Peppadews (1 Serving=1/3 Cup)
3 Bubbie's Pickles

The reason I'm filling up my propane tank is not for my grill, but for my Mosquito Magnet, the device I cling as Van Helsing clings to his cross while racing away from Dracula. I am eager to get to get to my grill, and I think its gas tank is still full, as it has not seen the light of day since one ill-fated attempt to use it three years ago. In an effort to eat healthy while also consuming carcinogens, I have resolved to grill this summer. I have vowed I will take another shot at it. It can't be that hard. Everyone does it, so why, oh why can't I? I am planning to ask my most grill-friendly friends to give me some advice. If all else fails, I guess I'll just buy grilled food at the supermarket.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Don't give up on grilling it's fantastic. However, I too have an almost unused grill (now about three years old) which I think was used once. Resolve for this summer to use it more. Actually, Ruth has outdoor parties where she grills great food on a small charcoal grill....So that's how I know how good it is. Love, MOM