Sunday, August 26, 2007

Year 3, Day 175: Vineyard, Day Two

Of course, I bought a lot of Quebec strawberries, Michigan blueberries and regular old South American bananas so I could continue to have the same exact breakfast every day while I was on the vineyard. In addition to Whole Foods and Russo's, we went to Costco prior to arriving and I got some 'healthy snacks.' They of course, like the Dale & Thomas Popcorn are somewhat high in fat but I continue to delude myself and eat them, and the calories just keep coming. We have rented a house with a pool, which is good for the kids (they love the pool) and good for us(we don't have to go anywhere) but it also PREVENTS us from going anywhere which would be good, because then it would be away from all the food!

Kashi Go Lean!
Heritage Flakes
Unsweetened Soy Milk

2nd breakfast
1 slice of balthazar bread with super chunky peanut butter

1 stick beef jerky
cashews & almonds
some fruit & nut chew
a few bites of popcorn at Mini Golf

hamburger (I made it on the grill)

tilapia, salmon and chicken
string beans
1 glass of red wine

peach crisp

We discovered that the basket of peaches I got from Russo's was full of unripe peaches, so I did what anyone would do: I made a peach crisp. I am incorrigible. I immediately brought it over to my sister-in-laws rented house where all of her family looked at me as if I had created a monstrously deformed DNA experiment. I left it there, and my brother-in-law apparently fell in love with it to the point where his wife had to forcibly remove it from the house, and then Emily had to hide it our house.

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