Saturday, August 18, 2007

Year 3, Day 167: Bedeviling Coffee Cake

My baking odyssey continues. I have no expanded into coffee cake and have had to procure a bunt pan to make it correctly. I have nailed the butter crumb topping but the crumby-cake part is still eluding me. To use sour cream or not? Yeasty, springy thing or light-crumb quick bread? I'm obsessed. Luckily one of my neighbors loves coffee cake so I continue to send the majority over to them.

Kashi Go Lean!
Heritage Flakes
Unsweetened Soy Milk

Coffee Cake

Breast of Rotisserie Chicken

PostTennis Snack
6 oz Stonyfield Yogurt (Plain)
Super chunky peanut butter

Dinner: Zaftig's

Lenox Omelet (FIre Roasted Tomatoes, Goat Cheese & CHives)
Side Salad with Balsamic VIngarette

Tonight Aileen (original SoBe partner) was in town for a visit so we schlepped the whole family to the old stomping grounds of Brookline. While the gals went shopping, me Ruby and Magnolia played at the Devotion school and I imagined what it would have been like to have kids while I lived in Brookline. I supposed it would have been nice, but there would have been less parking, more bugs and a lot more train-chasing.

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