Friday, December 09, 2005

284: Back on Horse

Went for a brisk walk with just one other co-worker today. It went quickly; it was cold; and many patches of ground were ice-covered. The Charles River upkeep is not what it should be, and definitely not safe for those who fear 'hip-breaking season.'

2 Slices Ezekial 4:9 Bread
Peanut Butter

1/4 cup Almonds/Cashews
8 Dried Apricots
1 Medium Coffee (1/2 decaf)
1 Cameo Apple

Greek Salad with Chicken

93% SIrloin Burger
Sauteed Onions

Certainly if there's any reason I'm in a rut it has not only to do with the fact that I'm not getting to walk or exercise, but that I'm eating the same foods all the time. This is a challenge and I'm not sure how to get out of it, unless I could devote myself full-time to the pursuit of interesting alternative foodstuffs. Aside from walking today, I was proud that I went a day without pistachios (even if I shoved in a few extra cashews there at the end of the day).

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi, Wow, the P count is 0. that's a really good day. I find that I eat the same foods pretty much too. I think we all get into food ruts. Never fear the holidays are upon us. Hope the snow wasn't too bad. Love, MOM