Tuesday, December 06, 2005

281: Shoulder to Cry On

This morning I was practically immobilized my shoulder-neck injury, making it nearly impossible to type. I did manage to go to work but it was just making things work. I made a few notes about what I ate, but beyond that I had to stop. As part of being old, things to start to hurt and there's no reason. Not that there's no reason this time, but I'm just preparing you if you're in my age bracket or worse.

2 slices ezekial bread
peanut butter

1/4 cup almonds/cashews
8 dried apricots

roll mops; ham/cheese
1 heart romaine
olives to taste
diet coke

leftover chinese: stringbeans and pork
some chicken soup

One of the things about writing my meals down and then going back and writing blog entries is I get a sense of how little of some of the right things I eat. For instance, I remember that there was this plastic bag we got from a farmer's market (where I bought a lot of strawberries) that had a list of the foods you should eat by color. I realize I am not eating enough orange foods, or hardly any. Also, very little yellow foods. I mean, there I am trying to eat green foods and I'm missing out on all these other red, yellow and orange foods, which, to be honest, are my favorite colors. Some of the cheese I eat is orange, but I don't think that's natural.

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