Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Day Three

Every day I get up mindful of the fact that I am stepping oh so slowly away from my heart attack. That is comforting to me. Also just the fact that I can do anything to move closer to losing weight is good.

1. Canadian Bacon Omelet
2. 6 oz V8

1. Cheese stick
2. 30 Unsalted cashews
3. 15 Unsalted pistachios
4. 2 light laughing cow cheese wedges

Roll Mops, composed of Dewar's Black Forest Ham, Fat-Free American Singles and a few romaine heart wedges. Bread & Circus pickles (read: no flavor) on the side.

Lunch Dessert: Jello sugarfree—yuckky tasting, and probably not worth the 5 calories.

Boneless chicken (emerly made it)
Asparagus with Olive Oil and Black Pepper

Sugar Free fudgicle.

When cleaning up, I sample Ruby's hamburger by dipping it in ketchup (a VERY bad thing). Also, I tried to have asian slaw, but realized it had carrots. Double hockey sticks!

Must firm up resolve tomorrow.

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