Monday, March 28, 2005

Day 29: Day of Disappointments

Today was disappointing in brackets. This morning at weigh in I was 215. Sure, I thought, it's 11 lbs off and 19 to go (my goal for late-coming readers is to be 196 by Ruby's birthday in July. This will help me avoid the heart attack when moving the big-bouncy thing around the yard). But it's still disappointing when you were hoping for 214. Okay, I'm a stickler. Everyone at the sick house was feeling better today, but when I got home I got a rejection letter for my latest play. Okay, I knew it would get rejected, but it's still a bummer. The only thing that went as planned was the introduction as bread for breakfast. And not just any bread—"When Pigs Fly" Low Carb, Whole Wheat bread. Each slice is a little wider than a playing card. When trying to determine the serving size, I combed through the SoBe book—alas, nothing. The serving size on the bread-bag said an OUNCE. HOW AM I GOING TO MEASURE AN OUNCE OF BREAD? I took a guess that since one of the recommended breakfasts were 'a whole wheat english muffin' that two slices were about the same. I had my paltry allowance of peanut butter on it. It was like eating greasy styrofoam packing peanuts but it WAS crunchy. So that was something.

2 Tsp PB

30 Cashews
15 Almonds
30 Pistachios
2 Cheese Sticks

Boston Lettuce with Balsamic Vinegar

90% Sirloin Burger with Fried Onions
Avocado with Olive Oil, Lemon and Onions
Okra Pickles

Don' Ask

Felt like a big eating day, but sometimes that's inevitable when you take a few punches to the diet-gut. I am ready to get back out there with another walk (Tuesday and Friday if possible) and will redouble my efforts to watch what I eat. I can already guess that tomorrow I'm going to switch to 1 egg yolk, three egg whites (a trick learned from Amy, my sister-in-law and rogue blog-commenter).


Anonymous said...

Hi, I think the weight loss is terrific...and I'm sure your body thinks so too. Try not to get into the numbers game. Anything can throw you off a pound or two like fluid and salt. Keep up the good work...rewards are not only in the numbers which are still excellent. What's happening with the magazine? LOVE MOM

Anonymous said...

I was a South Beach interloper tonight: I had a purely SB dinner with you (avocado/lemon/onion and burger/muenster and it was YUMMY. I was so excited by the cheese I had to get my own packet so as not to horn in on your action. So I hope I can keep us in yummy avocados - you know they say it's the perfect food for babies starting solids. OK - onward.
