Thursday, May 29, 2008

Year 4, Day 89: Guest in Ruby's Classroom

This morning I was scheduled to speak in front of Ruby's classroom. Though the presentation was originally supposed to be about newspapers, the teacher wanted me to talk about reporters. So I wrote to some of my reporter friends for advice.  They didn't have any, but I did my best. I think the kids liked it.  All day I was fighting a sore throat and by the time I got home I didn't even want to have dinner. So I just had tea.

1 Slice of Whole Wheat Bread
Super Chunky Peanut Butter
2 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar

Lunch: Cafe Stelina
Mediterranean Salad with Grilled Chicken
1 slice of bread

4 sticks beef jerky
2 cheese sticks
30 almonds

Tea with Honey

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