Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Year 2, Day 214: Day One of 5767

It's never a good sign when the first day of the Jewish new year holds ominous signs, like you can't sleep, your daughter cries in the middle of the night for the first time in seven months, and you have, possibly related to all these things, stomach-churning anxiety about the future of the world. Once again, I rue the fact that these things in and of themselves do not sour my appetite. In fact, I am content to eat beef jerky and cheese, even though the air conditioning at work is on so high that I am forced to wear a jacket all day, except when I go outside.

3 Deviled Eggs (1.5 Eggs)

More coffee (not helping the stomach-churning)
2 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
2 sticks beef jerky
1 oz boston lite popcorn
20 unsalted almonds

Lunch: Russo's ($4.85)
Red lettuce, red leaf, red peppers, red tomatoes
mushrooms, broccoli, chicken (in new sliced-shapes), feta
balsamic vinegar

Hamburger with Goat Cheese & Onion (Emily's Creation)
Cabbage Salad

Ruby and Magnolia were eating their ice cream when Magnolia pointed to my Bubbie's pickle. Obediently, I handed it over to her, with the expectation that she would take a bite and give it back to me. It seemed reasonable to assume this outcome, since she was currently in her second dessert course, strawberry ice cream with a side of sugar cone. To my amazement, she continued to eat both and demanded more pickles, which Emily had to get out of the fridge. Then Ruby got into the act and everybody was eating pickles and ice cream, which for the longest time I thought was only for pregnant women it 60s sitcoms. I'm not sure the circumstances will repeat themselves that this combo will be available, but I'll let you know if they ask for it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm impressed. I can't imagine anyone enjoying pickles and ice cream but there you have it. That's what make ball games. The world is in such a chaotic impossible state....I don't think any of us feel comfortable contemplating the future. Anyway we all try to do the best we can each day. Love, MOM

P.S. Hope the arm is feeling better.