Thursday, September 07, 2006

Year 2, Day 189: Thursdays with Peter

First full day in quite a while. In order to catch up on several things, I opt out of all scheduled meetings and get a lot done, which just goes to prove that for the most part, meetings are counter-productive. One co-worker said to me that if a meeting does not result in three to-dos for everyone assembled (excepting possibly the assembler) it was a failure as a meeting.

2 Soft boiled eggs
1 slice balthazhar bread
green tea

2 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
4 slices beef jerky
25 unsalted almonds
15 cashews

lunch: peter's kitchen
chicken kebab salad with feta
balsamic vinegar

cabbage salad with balsamic

Very fast walk today. Again, very hot. Glad the office is casual. I believe I am becoming somewhat of an oddity at work because I always go to Peter's Kitchen after we walk. It's not that I wouldn't go somewhere else, but it just so happens that it's close to the office, which makes it very easy to pass on the way back from the walk. They have a good salad, though it is about 50% bigger (by volume) than the salad I get at Russo's. I always tell myself, "It's just salad," but I probably shouldn't be finishing it every time. Once again, I console myself in the thought that I am not only skipping the oil but also the pita bread.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Skipping the oil and the pita bread has got to be a plus. I got to the BB this Saturday and it was mobbed. (Figured you would get there when you get to NJ next week end. It's still the best. Love, MOM