Thursday, June 22, 2006

Year 2, Day 115: EOW

I continue to try and include strawberries in my daily diet. This is for three reasons; 1) because fruit is an important component to your day; 2) Local strawberries are in season and can't be beat; and 3) Strawberries are the lowest in carbs of just about any breakfast-compatible fruit. I will be sorry by July 4th, when the season will be over, and I'll be making do with imported strawberries by Driscoll from California or Kabul, or wherever they come from. I'll also be sorry that all manner of Woodland animal eat the three strawberries in my garden that I count on eating every year, even though last year was the first (but boy, were they delicious). I may get to go Strawberry picking next weekend. That would be something.

1 Cup Kashi Go Lean
1 Cup Heritage Flakes
1 Cup Strawberries
1 Cup 8th Continent Light Soy Milk

2 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar
6 Stalks Celery
3 tablespoons Super Chunky Peanut Butter

Lunch: Russos ($5.85)
Red leaf, red onion, red pepper, celery
chicken, chick peas, broccoli, feta

Chicken Breasts
1 oz. 50% Jalapeno Cheddar

Upon getting home, Emily and try to begin the impossible— packing to go home to New York. It something we do so much, and with two children (one, unnamed, a baby, that doesn't sleep in the car like she should) it just gets more and more complicated. We agree to prepare. We had earlier decided to make chicken, so we'd have it for the next day. We try and keep track of the bags— we have a cold bag, a dry bag, a last minute bag, clothes, electronics (computer, camera, cell phone). About half way through the exercise we lost our enthusiasm and just tried to get a good night's sleep. I have started to try and do the NY Times crossword puzzle again in the hopes that it help keep my mind sharp. So far, I haven't got any better at crosswords.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Great story about the Times cross word. By all means stay with will bear fruit. NO puns intended. My sister Debbie whispered to me one day a few months ago that my father was "losing it." What do you mean I asked? She said,"He's using the Crossword Puzzle Dictionery while doing the NY Times puzzle! I then gently let her know that most mortals do that. She wouldn't know being in the upper stratosphere of puzzle doers. Love,MOM