Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Day 44

I got a four-color brochure in the mail today called "Pulse" and it's all about weight loss. It contains "The Ten Commandments of Weight Loss." The only one I didn't know (but was noted here by a coworker blog poster) was "Know the 3,500 Rule." I didn't. "To lose a pound you have to create a deficit of 3,500 calories per week, or 500a day. I think therefore I have found the next step to my weight loss—calorie counting. I must pick up a book and learn what costs what—I have been freewheelin' like Bob Dylan and I better watch it if I want to hit my goal. Especially because I only have 14 weeks to go. If I lose a pound a week, I will be one pound short of my goal. So I really better kick it into high gear.

Breakfast (A big one)
Two Eggs Over Easy with Muenster Cheese (yolks actually got hard, preventing breakage)
Three Slices Turkey Bacon (!)

Cheese Stick
15 Almonds
30 Pistachios
4 oz Yogurt

Lunch (Split)
White Meat Chicken with Spinach
Pork with Cabbage

90% Sirloin with Fried Onions
Hot Peppers

I just want people to know a few things. One, I am not keeping track of my caffeine intake even though I am having a second cup of tea in the morning, and often at night, some herbal mango tea. Once in a while I'll have some black coffee that if I can drink without sugar substitute will be really a fine beverage. In addition, the snack category is a culmination of a day of snacks, not one period of time where I eat another meal. It's not that important, but I thought I should mention it. Also, I feel what has come out of this change of life has been my commitment to eating something green every day (or several times a day). That is really unusual because I used to go days without vegetables (unless you're counting potatoes and potato products). Speaking of them, I do miss the potato chip lifestyle. But I find that without eating sandwiches, you don't miss them that much. It's like when you stop going to the bar, you don't miss smoking. More evidence that changing your life for the better changes your life for the better.


Anonymous said...

I like your philosophy. It's true. So when would you an Em like to see Spamalot.....and what do I do with my old AOL? And what about Naomi? Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Wh-wh-who's Naomi????

Anonymous said...

Naomi obviously is known to the 50 and over crowd. I know it from TV and I'm laughing at the memory of those words, but I guess senility has crept in. Saturday Night Live? love, Monica

Hi Rob, You get my first hello on this new computer. Congratulatiuons on your progress.
