Sunday, November 12, 2006

Year 2, Day 254: Sunday's Best Muffins

Rainy, cold day. Magnolia and I got up early and went to the supermarket. It's a great feeling to be able to get in and out of the supermarket before 11AM on a Sunday. One of the truly great side benefits of your kids getting you up early. We went shopping because my cousins were coming over and we wanted to be prepared. Of course, I drive her by the pastry counter and let her pick something and she picks the Whole Foods equivalent of a bear claw, which she concentrates on for the sole purpose of removing the sugar off it. She is truly like "Little Chrissy," a character from the Jon Waters movie "Pecker." In that movie, Little Chrissy is a sugar addict, and she is busted eating white sugar from the bag during the middle of the night and has an intervention. I suspect Magnolia's moment of intervention is not too far off. Any one who knows her mother or grandfather knows she comes by it honestly.

Kashi Go Lean
Heritage Flakes
Unsweetened Soy Milk

Robert's Turkey Crumble
Boston Lettuce
Boston Lite Popcorn

Post-workout snack
6 oz. plain yogurt
3 tablespoons super chunky peanut butter


2 Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Muffins

A good workout today, six miles and lots of sweat. I figured I would need this because it appeared to be a rainy day and with a lot of kids at our house I thought making muffins would be fun for at least some of them. As it turned out, this was completely inaccurate as they weren't really interested in the REAL kitchen, only the fake kitchen, and the basement, and chasing each other around and shrieking. Not one to be deterred, especially after I had picked out the recipe and all the ingredients, I soldiered on and made the muffins anyway. They were not good and yet I ate two of them, because hot peanut butter-chocolate chip muffins right out of the oven are irresistible, even if they're substandard. Emily insisted I give them to my cousins as they were leaving, and out of the grace of their hearts, they took them, but mostly because I gave them to them in my very best tupperware which distracted them.

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