Sunday, October 02, 2005

216: Sick

Only a quickie tonight–something I ate? made me feel quite queasy during the dinner hour—so I skipped all foods after dinner (excepting four rolaids, which, naturally contain sucrose—bastards). I did quaff a half a ginger ale, which helped quite a bit. It was a last resort.

Muenster Cheese Omelet
2.5 Strips of Turkey Bacon

1/4 cup o nuts
3 oz 50% Jalapeno Cheddar Lite
4 slices of Jambon
1 Coke Zero
1 Tsp Peanut Butter

1 Fresh Roll
1 Beef Teriyaki Stick
Chicken, Broccoli, Ginger & Scallions

Not sure what made me feel bad, but it's just as well, because I had eaten quite a bit during the day (though we went to the town fair and I managed to avoid any trouble there). Bought a new pair of workout shoes, aka sneakers, because Emily's sister accidentally hot-fingered mine, mistaking them for her husbands. Saturday came and I knew I couldn't go into the JCC with Merrells on, so off to Model's I went.


deutschzilla said...

Once again you've been spammed by some senseless blog attacker. I fear they may be just a band of sucrose as well. Sorry to hear about your tough night, it may be the moon. Rest well.

Mom said...

Hi, Sorry too to hear that your not feeling well. Hope today is better. Perhaps it wasn't as much what you ate as being sick about how the Yankee's weasled their way into victory in the AL East. Oh,well, perhaps that's a projection. We had a very nice, one night Chiva here for Sam's brother. Talk about a food attack! Everyone brough rich desserts which I gave away to any and all takers. I was discrete about it. Love to all. MOM