Friday, May 13, 2005

Day 75

With the spring oncoming, I am certainly glad that I do not feel compelled to cover myself with layers, or get loose, ill-fitting clothing. However, I do feel that the longer days and warm weather are making me HUNGRY. I'm not sure what it is, whether I'm just getting used to all the foods, meals and snacks that I am eating, but somehow I am still hungry at work. This is worrisome. Today I had a big breakfast and got to work very late (after lunch) but was still hungry—I had an apple, 30 pistachios and 2 dried apricots. I was still looking for other stuff to eat then I had a cheese stick. At the point I knew I had to be stopped so I tried to drink a lot of water and chew some gum, but it was no use, I was still hungry. I came home and ate my house. Well not really, but I did eat a lot of Talapia.

1.5 Cup of Fruit: Canteloupe; Blueberries and Strawberries
15 Almonds
6 oz. "Lite" Vanilla YoPlait
~1/8 Cup Grape Nuts

Cheese Stick (Whole Foods Cheese sticks do not stand up to Horizon)
15 Almonds
30 Pistachios
1 Apple (you know what kind)

Greek Salad with Feta Cheese and Grilled Chicken
1 French Fry (!)

Tilapia a la Emily
Spinach with Garlic 'n' pinenuts
Avocado with Onions, Lime and Olive Oil

Yes it's true, dear readers, I had a french fry today. I had been enlisted to help get food for the movers (I was at David's in the AM) and when the food came ready, there it was, a big bag of yummy fries hot off the fryolator. I decided that it was time for first french fry in 74 days. It tasted good—but not so good that I had to have another one. It was what I remembered, and then I was able to go back to my salad and really enjoy it. Is that self-control? If so, it's new to me.

What will Detetco think of the french fry?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me weight in on a few things. Salted nuts aren't the best because of water retension but buts provide protein....Secondly when you don't get enough protein for breakfast you are hungry the rest of the day. So the eggs, nuts cheese stuff are really good to eat in the AM. What does the SoBe book say about all this. Got up at 5 to read for class this AM....after falling alseep at 9:30PM...and found that Sam had fallen out of bed. No, he's not hurt. How did the move go? A french fry (0ne) hasn't really affected your weight. Good restraint in not eating more. Love, MOM